Gregory Josephs: Full Stack Developer
About Me
Driven by a passion for logic and process, I am a full-stack web developer seeking my first opportunity in web development.
Although I started writing HTML in the late 90s, my path to coding-as-a-career has been happily circuitous. While I am proud to have worked in the recreation department at MIT since 2005, I am also a published author of two novels, and have helped to feed my community as a weekly volunteer farm-hand since 2016.
These diverse experiences outside the realm of coding have given me deep insight into the logic and processes that go into solving both tangible and intangible problems. They allow me a wealth of unique real-world perspective that I bring to each coding challenge I face.
In coding, as in life, I believe there is always room for improvement. The first way of doing something is rarely the best way, and I’m constantly on the lookout for a better solution.
I currently reside in Maynard, Massachusetts (just a stone’s throw from Boston) with my husband, two cats, and an Australian Cattle Dog.
Take a look at all the projects in my portfolio by visiting the projects page, or take a look at the three most-recent below.
Find me on GitHub, LinkedIn, Twitter, or reach me via email at
Technologies I've Worked With
Through ten months of study in MIT XPro's Professional Certificate in Coding course, I had the opportunity to work extensively with the following technoloogies:
Most Recent Projects
Full Stack Restaurant App
A mock full-stack food ordering solution using next.js, Strapi, MongoDB, Heroku, Firebase, and Stripe.
Order up!View the Repo!
Word Game
Built from the ground up with React, my take on the popular word guessing game recently acquired by the New York Times.
Play it! View the Repo!Bad Bank
A complete front-end banking app built with React. The only thing it's missing? Security!
Deposit if you Dare! View the Repo!